Series Title | European Voice |
Series Details | Vol 7, No.13, 29.3.01, p9 |
Publication Date | 29/03/2001 |
Content Type | News |
Date: 29/03/01 THE Germans and French are increasingly positive about their Union neighbours while the British are increasingly hostile, according to new research on how EU citizens view one another. The study shows the French have far more respect for other Europeans than they had six years ago, while the Germans are slightly more positive. Many Union countries are increasingly European-minded, according to the report, but the Brits are generally more negative about their neighbours than they were in the mid-1990s. The results show the esteem of the French for the British has gone up from 22% in 1994 to 91% in 2000, while their respect for Italians has leaped from 36% to 90% in the same time. Germans already held other European countries in high regard, but this has increased in the six years. Their opinion of the Spanish and French both jumped from 91% to 98%. The British, while retaining a 100% approval rating for themselves, have only a 41% respect rating for Germans, down from 72% in 1994, and a 73% approval rating for France, down from 87%. "The British view contrasts starkly with attitudes in other countries such as France and Germany, which are showing distinctly warmer feelings towards all their EU partners," says the report carried out by advertising agency Young & Rubicam. Its researchers interviewed 40,000 people in 12 European countries. A separate survey by polling firm Mori conducted in France, Germany, Britain and Italy revealed this week that one in three people aged 21 to 35 regard themselves as Europeans rather than nationals of the country they live in. The Germans and French are increasingly positive about their Union neighbours while the British are increasingly hostile, according to new research on how EU citizens view one another. |
Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |