Short-term labour input indicators 2011

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details No.1, 2012 (6.1.12)
Publication Date 06/01/2012
ISSN 1977-0316
EC KS-SF-12-001-EN-N
Content Type

Employment in the EU’s business economy (industry, construction and services) was affected in different ways by the recent financial and economic crisis: the established growth in services employment was reversed by the crisis but several service activities have already recorded a rebound. The upward trend in construction employment was also reversed and at the time of writing construction employment continues to fall. The existing downward trend for industry was reinforced during the crisis.

This publication focuses on labour input indicators from short-term statistics (STS). Quarterly time series are provided back to the beginning of 2000 but focus mainly on more recent developments influenced by the crisis.

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Countries / Regions