Short-term outlook for EU agricultural markets in 2020 – Summer 2020

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details Number 27
Publication Date July 2020
ISSN 2600-0873
EC KF-AR-20-002-EN-N
Content Type


Many uncertainties remain around the scale of the impact of the coronavirus crisis and the economic recovery. Nonetheless the food supply chain has proven resilient throughout the crisis. With lockdown measures being progressively lifted all over Europe, demand in particular for restaurants, bars and cafés should pick up, although not back to 2019 levels in the short run due to reduced households’ purchasing power. Prices are also picking up as a consequence.

As noted in the previous edition of this short-term outlook, the COVID-19 outbreak and related measures taken by Member States created a demand shock rather than a supply one. This is reflected in the good production prospects for various sectors such as dairy, sugar, pigmeat, olive oil, wine and tomato. Exports perspectives remain good overall.

The latest short-term outlook report for EU agricultural markets, published on 6 July 2020 by the European Commission, presents a more detailed overview of the latest trends and further prospects for each agri-food sector.

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European Commission: DG Agriculture and Rural Development: News, 06/07/2020: Short-term outlook: Good production prospects for many agricultural sectors, overall sector should benefit from reopening of foodservice

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