Series Title | European Voice |
Series Details | Vol.7, No.46, 13.12.01, p7 |
Publication Date | 13/12/2001 |
Content Type | News |
Date: 13/12/01 A LEADING MEP has called on people to "stop putting the euro down" and give the new currency a chance of success. Chris Huhne, who has written a book highlighting the benefits of the new currency, dismissed suggestions that the euro is weak or feeble. He said: "The truth of the matter is that the euro is doing exactly was it was intended to do: provide stability for eurozone countries, particularly when faced with external shocks. "I just wish that some people would stop sending out the wrong messages about the euro and stop running it down. It is not, as has been suggested, a dramatic, new monetary orphan or one without precedent." Huhne, a member of the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party, added: "I have every confidence that the euro will work." He was speaking at a one-day conference in Brussels last week called 'The Euro: What's next?' attended by more than 300 people at the European Parliament. Also speaking were former European Commission President Jacques Santer, Monetary Affairs chief Pedro Solbes and Belgian Finance Minister Didier Reynders. The event was organised to discuss what was described at the conference as one of Europe's most ambitious post-war projects. MEP Chris Huhne has called on people to 'stop putting the euro down' and give the new currency a chance of success. |
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Subject Categories | Economic and Financial Affairs |