Skills Mismatch and Productivity in the EU

Author (Person) ,
Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date 05/07/2019
ISBN 978-92-79-77437-9
ISSN 2443-8022
EC KC-BD-18-027-EN-N
Content Type


This paper analyses different dimensions of skills mismatch (notably ‘macro-economic skills mismatch’, ‘skills shortages’, and ‘on-the-job skills mismatch’) and their empirical relationship with labour productivity. Macro-economic skills mismatch arises when the skills distribution differs between the available workers and those that get hired. Skills shortages occur when employers encounter difficulties to fill their vacancies. On-the-job skills mismatch (overqualification or underqualification) refers to a discrepancy between the qualification level of a jobholder and the requirements for that particular job.

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International Organisations