Some thoughts on the precautionary principle

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details Vol.1, No.5, March 2000, p16-19
Publication Date March 2000
ISSN 1352-8424
Content Type

Perspectives on European Business Law was founded to create an entirely new kind of legal information product. With over thirty years experience of editing such journals of reference as the Common Market Law Reports, Neville March Hunnings, the editor, feels that there is a gap between the subject matter covered by traditional legal journals, and the coverage provided by the mainstream business press.

This gap is addressed by Perspectives on European Business Law. It is now EU law which provides the key challenge both to businesses and to professional advisers. The journal does not focus on one particular aspect of the law such as competition or intellectual property , but instead offers in-depth analysis of trends and developments in the law as it relates to business, ranging from the effect of the European Convention on Human Rights on the business community to the underlying cultural clash behind the Mannesmann / Vodafone battle.

The legal and business community will always have a need for regularly updated reference material. To that end a subscription to PEBL includes access to a searchable archive of merger decisions, beginning January 1999 and updated every week. In keeping with the PEBL ethos of analysis and information married together to give the fullest possible picture, this web site contains a new feature, the EC competition law briefing . Moderated by Professor Richard Whish of King's College London the briefing contains a wealth of commentary, bespoke and third party material, much of which is only publicly available on this web site. To get access to this material simply register.

European Information said of Perspectives on European Business Law 'a number of well chosen core topics are analysed by specialists. . . the apparent simplicity with which this edition manages to combine straightforward explanation of complex European business law and news is in our view its main asset'.

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