S&P gives Greece vote of confidence

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Series Details 17.3.10
Publication Date 17/03/2010
Content Type

Standard & Poor’s gave Greece a vote of confidence on the 16 March 2010 as the ratings agency backed away from downgrading the country’s debt in a sign that the Greek budget crisis is easing.

S&P’s move helped buoy Greek bond markets and drove the euro to a daily high against the dollar after eurozone finance ministers promised Athens financial assistance with direct loans from individual member states.

Related Links
ESO: Background information: Euro group stands ready to help Greece http://www.europeansources.info/record/euro-group-stands-ready-to-help-greece/
BBC News, 16.3.10: Standard & Poors backs plans to cut Greece's deficit http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8570888.stm

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