Special issue: European diplomatic cooperation outside EU borders

Series Title
Series Details Vol.13 No.1
Publication Date March 2018
ISSN 1871-1901 (print) | 1871-191X (online)
Content Type

Articles in this issue:

+ Introduction | Federica Bicchi and Heidi Maurer
+ Bound or unbridled? A legal perspective on the diplomatic functions of European Union Delegations | Sanderijn Duquet
+ Does the flag still follow trade? Agency, politicization and external opportunity structures in the post-Lisbon system of EU diplomacy | Michael H. Smith
+ Neither fish nor fowl. How EU Delegations challenge the institution of diplomacy: the cases of Moscow and Washington | Heidi Maurer and Kristi Raik
+ EU external representation post-Lisbon: the performance of EU diplomacy in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine | Dorina Baltag
+ Coordination between the EU Member States’ embassies and the EU Delegation in Turkey: a case of European diplomatic representation | Özlem Terzi
+ The European cooperation in the southern Mediterranean: the multilateralization of bilateral relations? | Federica Bicchi

Source Link http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/1871191x/13/1
Subject Categories
Countries / Regions