State aid transparency: Why? What? When? Where? How?

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details Number 4
Publication Date September 2016
ISBN 978-92-79-54736-2
ISSN 2315-3113
EC KD-AK-16-004-EN-N
Content Type


The EU rules require that aid given to companies be transparent. This means that aid must be easy to detect in order to subject it to public scrutiny. Specific provisions under the State Aid Modernisation programme require granting authorities at all levels to provide information about individual aid awards above €500,000. As of July 2016 and starting from the date of the grant, the authorities have six months to provide this information.

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The Competition Policy Briefs are occasional papers by staff of the Competition Directorate-General of the European Commission about policy issues and key cases.

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International Organisations