Statement: “Full support by all EU governments”: Statement by EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details STATEMENT/14/38 (28.02.14)
Publication Date 28/02/2014
Content Type ,

On the 28 February 2014, the European Commissioner Karel De Gucht welcomed the support voiced by all the EU ministers to actively engage with all stakeholders and all their national citizens on the importance and benefits of the future deal Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

On the same day, Markus Behyrer, the director general of lobby group BusinessEurope, led calls for EU leaders and the business community to tighten their communications strategies to retain public support while speaking at a meeting of business leaders in Athens.

A report launched by the Corporate Europe Observatory and the Trans-National Institute on the 10 March 2014 stated that Greece, Cyprus and Spain were facing claims from speculative investors worth more than €1.7 billion in a series of eurozone-related investor-state disputes that could spiral dramatically under the proposed EU-US trade deal.

On the 7 March 2014, some MEPs from Germany's Green Party leaked a confidential document regarding talks over the TTIP, arguing that the disclosure is in the "public interest” and for the "protection of democracy”.

Source Link
Related Links
ESO: Background information: Stronger Foundations for Europe's Economic Future - TTIP negotiations
EUObserver, 28.02.14: Trade talks 'honeymoon' over, business chiefs warn EU
EurActiv, 10.03.14: Report: Investor-state lawsuits worth €1.7 billion rage across Europe
ESO: Background information: Commission to consult European public on provisions in EU-US trade deal on investment and investor-state dispute settlement
EurActiv, 11.03.14: Green party leaks confidential TTIP paper
EurActiv, 28.03.14: US companies fret over selling TTIP

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