Study on an interim evaluation of the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) for the sustainable development of EU aquaculture

Author (Corporate) , , ,
Publication Date 24/04/2019
ISBN 978-92-76-08273-6
EC KL-03-19-436-EN-N
Content Type


As the competency for the management of aquaculture lies largely with the Member States, the Commission has adopted an ‘Open Method of Coordination’ (OMC) approach to facilitate the work of EU Member States in developing sustainable and competitive aquaculture across the EU. Its focus has been mainly upon simplifying administrative procedures, including aquaculture in spatial planning, improving the competitiveness of EU aquaculture production and promoting a level playing field for EU operators.

This interim evaluation examines the period 2013 to 2017, covering all OMC tools (Strategic Guidelines (2013), guidance on EU legislation, multi-annual national plans, exchange of good practices) and covering all Member States except Luxembourg. The evaluation has determined that the OMC approach has been broadly effective in identifying commons needs, setting and addressing the priorities of the 2013 Strategic Guidelines, particularly by focusing national actions through the creation of formal multi-annual national plans and through regular, demand-driven exchange of views and best practises. It is a relatively low cost, light touch approach that is valued for its flexible, non-prescriptive and demand-driven nature that helps ensure its continued relevance.

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International Organisations