Study on the application of the Interchange Fee Regulation

Author (Corporate) ,
Publisher ,
Publication Date 2020
ISBN 978-92-76-17165-2
EC KD-01-20-161-EN-N
Content Type


Study published by the European Commission in March 2020 on the application of Regulation 2015/751 - also known as Interchange Fee Regulation.

Further information:

The study - which was commissioned by the Commission to an external contractor - finds that the main objectives of the Regulation were achieved, as the interchange fees for consumer cards have decreased by 35% (around €2,6 billion per year) between 2015 and 2017. This decrease resulted in lower charges for retailers as well as benefits to consumers through lower retail prices. Furthermore, increased cross-border acquiring services and card transactions led to a higher degree of market integration.

The Regulation envisages that the Commission must submit a report on its application to the co-legislators - this study was to be used as one of the sources of information for that report, together with stakeholders' feedback and evaluations from competent national enforcement authorities.

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Related Links
European Commission: Press Release, 11/03/2020: Antitrust: Commission publishes study on the application of Interchange Fees Regulation

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