Study on the expected results of Cohesion Policy in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia within the programming period 2014-2020

Author (Corporate) , ,
Publication Date November 2016
ISBN 978-92-79-65790-0
EC KN-02-17-172-3A-N
Content Type


The overall scope of the study was to assess the expected impact of Cohesion Policy (CP) on the main sectors/policy areas in the Baltic States (Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia) during the programming period 2014–2020. This also involves a discussion on the CP contribution to the development of the Baltic States and to the attainment of key European priorities.

CP investments under three Operational Programmes (OPs) were analysed: Operational Programme for Cohesion Policy Funds 2014–2020 (Estonia); Operational Programme for the European Union Funds’ Investments in 2014–2020 (Lithuania); Operational Programme Growth and Employment 2014–2020 (Latvia).

The study involves detailed analyses of the OPs interventions specified by the objectives and indicators, financial allocations and the actions to be supported. The twelve sectors/policy areas that the CP was envisaged to affect were examined in terms of EU and national policy objectives and factors external to the OPs, the main trends and overall public financial allocations. In respect of the CP, the impact assessments involved macroeconomic modelling (HERMIN type) and an assessment of the CP contribution based on the linkages between indicators, as well as case studies and expert judgements.

The expected impacts of the CP are presented at macroeconomic, sector/policy areas and production branch levels.

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Countries / Regions , ,
International Organisations