Series Title | European Voice |
Series Details | Vol.7, No.47, 20.12.01, p6 |
Publication Date | 20/12/2001 |
Content Type | News |
Date: 20/12/01 A MAJORITY of European Union citizens favour the euro, according to a new survey. The Eurobarometer survey, released by the European Commission, also shows increased support for the EU membership and enlargement. Experts say the results of the survey may strengthen arguments for a stronger push towards a more united Europe. Some 61 of respondents overall supported the euro, though in three countries - the UK, Denmark and Sweden - the figure was below 50. British opposition is still the strongest with only 27 in favour of the single currency. More than 50 of respondents back the EU's plans to take in up to ten new members by 2004. Greeks and Swedes are the most enthusiastic, while the French are least keen. The poll, conducted in October and November, reveals that EU citizens strongly support plans to develop common defence and security policies. It also shows that just over 50 of citizens overall have confidence in the EU, which is a 12 increase from last year. European Commission President Romano Prodi welcomed the findings of the latest survey. "I think there is a growing understanding right across Europe today that the common problems and challenges which we face require joint action," he said in a statement. Report of the results of a Eurobarometer survey on public attitudes to the euro. |
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Subject Categories | Economic and Financial Affairs |