Tackling rising energy prices: a toolbox for action and support

Author (Corporate)
Series Details COM (2021) 660
Publication Date 13/10/2021
Content Type , ,


Communication published by the European Commission on 13 October 2021, aimed at addressing the rise in global energy prices which was projected to last through the winter.

Further information:

This Communication aims to enact and support appropriate measures to mitigate the impact of temporary energy price rises. While the EU's policy framework allows Member States to take targeted measures to protect vulnerable consumers and tackle impact on industry, the Commission decided to present a toolbox to allow a co-ordinated approach. The package aims to address negative effects of sudden price hikes and ensure affordability without fragmenting the European single energy market or jeopardizing investments in the energy sector and the green transition.

The document also provides an outlook onto coordinated measure the Commission considers to take over the medium-term to ensure a better preparedness to gas price fluctuations while reducing the EU's dependence on fossil fuels.

Source Link https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=COM:2021:660:FIN
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