The Commission’s response to fraud in the Common Agricultural Policy – Time to dig deeper

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details 14/2022, Number 14
Publication Date July 2022
ISBN 978-92-847-8010-5
ISSN 1977-5679
EC QJ-AB-22-011-EN-N
Content Type


Fraud harms the EU’s financial interests and prevents EU resources from achieving the policy objectives. In this report, we present an overview of the fraud risks affecting the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and assess the Commission’s response to fraud in the CAP. We conclude that the Commission has responded to instances of fraud in CAP spending, but was not sufficiently proactive in addressing the impact of the risk of illegal land grabbing on CAP payments, in monitoring Member States’ anti-fraud measures, and in exploiting the potential of new technologies. We recommend to the Commission actions to deepen its insight of fraud risks and anti-fraud measures and to subsequently act on its assessment, and to increase its role in promoting new technologies for preventing and detecting fraud.

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International Organisations