The ERDF in 1991

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 1993
ISBN 92-826-4920-2
EC CX-76-92-164-EN-C
Content Type ,


This report on the European Regional Development Fund in 1991 is presented pursuant to Article 25 of Regulation (EEC) No 4253/88 in the context of the monitoring of the implementation of assistance from the Funds at the level of the CSFs and specific measures. Together with the two other structural Funds (the EAGGF and the ESF), the ERDF, created in 1975, contributes to reducing regional imbalances in the Community and attaining the five priority Objectives laid down by the 1988 reform. While 1989 was the year in which development priorities were defined and the CSFs were adopted, and 1990 saw the negotiation and adoption of most of the measures, including 140 operational programmes and about 50 different projects, 1991 witnessed the implementation of these measures and a trend towards diversification. Many decisions involved the Community initiatives, greater use began to be made of global grants and a series of measures were launched under Article 10 of Regulation (EEC) No 4254/88. It was also the year in which the Community showed its solidarity with the new German Länder and East Berlin.

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International Organisations