The ESS report 2015

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date May 2016
ISBN 978-92-79-52212-3
ISSN 1977-6500
EC KS-FN-16-001-EN-C
Content Type

The ESS Report provides an insider's view into the world of European statistics, produced and disseminated by the European Statistical System (ESS). This issue includes the main initiatives of the ESS during the past year and features a joint interview with the Heads of the Statistical Institutes of Latvia and Luxembourg as well as the Head of the European Statistical Governance Advisory Board, who look back at the achievements and challenges of 2015.

Further articles include an outline of the importance of the ESS peer reviews, concluded in 2015, the role of the indicators for decision-making and monitoring in the EU, and shed light on the challenges linked to the measurement of international migration. Additionally, the magazine features numerous contributions from individual ESS members on the above topics and presents the imaginative way Spain has integrated its statistics onto the outside of its statistical office.

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Related Links
Eurostat: Statistical Books: The ESS Report 2015

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions