The EU and Russia. The promise of partnership

Author (Person) ,
Publication Date 2002
ISBN 1-903403-14-6
Content Type

Book abstract:

This book is published by the Federal Trust whose aim is to enlighten public debate on issues arising from the interaction of national, continental and global levels of government. The demise of the Soviet Union and the imminent enlargement of the EU will require the map of Europe to be redrawn and boundaries may not be merely demarcations of territory but considered as incidences of opportunities for partnership.

This book looks at those opportunities. It provides a succinct, factual account of the development of the EU's policy towards Russia, in both the economic and political fields. The furthering of a long-term partnership is considered and the extent to which the EU's policies have contributed towards this goal is evaluated and signposts erected as to a better way forward. The potential for the EU to provide a bridge between America and Russia and the contribution towards both hard and soft security is explored. The Russian viewpoint comments on the difficulties encountered in the Russian transition to market economy and pluralist democracy and the extent to which the Russian economy has been opened to the international economy. The quest for partnership exists on both sides of the new boundaries.

The work will interest scholars, students and practitioners of European integration, international relations and political sciences.

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