The European Ombudsman

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 01/01/1995
Content Type ,


The European Ombudsman is an independent and impartial body that holds the institutions of the European Union (EU) and agencies to account, and promotes good administration. It investigates complaints about maladministration in the EU institutions and bodies.

Further information:

The European Ombudsman is elected by the European Parliament for the term and this is renewable. At the request of the Parliament, the Ombudsman may be removed by the Court of Justice if 'he no longer fulfils the conditions required for the performance of his duties or if he is guilty of serious misconduct' (Article 228 TFEU). The European Ombudsman was established by the Maastricht Treaty and the first head of the office was elected by the European Parliament in 1995.

Source Link
Related Links
Wikipedia: European Ombudsman
EU: About the EU: European Ombudsman
Twitter: @EUombudsman

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Countries / Regions