The European Union as an actor in international relations

Author (Person)
Publication Date 2002
ISBN 90-411-1771-7
Content Type

Book abstract:

The development of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) is a continuing source of political argument amongst Member States and political parties within those States. The extent to which a foreign policy for the EU as a whole can be agreed politically remains in doubt. The extent to which that same foreign policy can be defined legally is under even more doubt with powers distributed through the Member States acting individually and the EU acting in concert. This book seeks to inform the debate on these issues.
The first part of the book examines the decision-making procedures of the EU's external relations. It addresses issues such as the procedures applying to the CFSP and those of the EC and the interaction between those two elements. The democratic and judicial control in the handling of EU foreign relations are also explored. The outcomes from these discussions are evaluated in the final contribution of part one.
The contributions contained in part two are concerned mainly with the legal status of the EU in international law in relation to the activities undertaken by the Member States. They examine such issues as restraints on the treaty-making power of the Member States arising from the transfer of competence to the EU and the international responsibilities of the EU. Questions related to EU membership in other international organisations are also discussed and the role of the EU in law relating to the sea and human rights. An overall assessment of the contributions in the second part and the impact of the international activities of the EU on the sovereignty of the Member States is given in the closing report of part two.
The work will interest students, scholars and practitioners in EU law and International Law and those engaged in studies relating to the EU and International Relations.
Enzo Cannizaro is Professor of International and EU Law, University of Macerata.

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Subject Categories
Countries / Regions