The evolution of EU law [Second edition]

Author (Person) ,
Publication Date 17/02/2011
ISBN 9780199592968
Content Type


The European Union has undergone major changes in the last decade, including Treaty reform, and a significant expansion of activity in foreign and security policy, and justice and home affairs.

In the first edition of this influential textbook, a team of leading lawyers and political scientists reflected upon the important developments in their chosen area over the time since the EC was formed. The second edition continues this analysis ten years on. Taking into account the social and political background, and without losing sight of the changes that came before, in each chapter the contributors analyze the principle themes and assess the legal and political forces that have shaped its development.

Table of Contents:

+ Ch 1: Introduction
Paul Craig

+ Ch 2: Integration, Democracy, and Legitimacy
Paul Craig

+ Ch 3: Institutions, Power, and Institutional Balance
Paul Craig

+ Ch 4: Powers and Procedures in the EU Constitution: Legal Bases and the Court
Kieran St Clair Bradley

+ Ch 5: Independent Agencies
Martin Shapiro

+ Ch 6: The European Court of Justice
Alec Stone Sweet

+ Ch 7: The European Union from Maastricht to Lisbon: Institutional and Legal Unity out of the Shadows
Deirdre M. Curtin & Ige F. Dekker

+ Ch 8: EU Enlargement
Christophe Hillion

+ Ch 9: External Relations and External Competence of the European Union: The Emergence of an Integrated Policy
Marise Cremona

+ Ch 10: EU Justice and Home Affairs Law (non-civil)
Steve Peers

+ Ch 11: Civil Justice - A Newcomer and an Unstoppable Wave?
Eva Storskrubb

+ Ch 12: Direct Effect, Primacy and the Nature of the Legal Order
Bruno de Witte

+ Ch 13: Preliminary Rulings and EU Legal Integration: Evolution and Stasis
Thomas de la Mare & Catherine Donnelly

+ Ch 14: The Vicissitudes of Life at the Coalface: Remedies and Procedures for Enforcing Union Law before the National Courts
Michael Dougan

+ Ch 15: Three Phases in the Evolution of EU Administrative Law
Carol Harlow

+ Ch 16: The Evolution of EU Human Rights Law
Gráinne De Búrca

+ Ch 17: Free Movement of Persons and Services
Siofra O'Leary

+ Ch 18: Free Movement of Capital: Evolution as a Non-Linear Process
Jukka Snell

+ Ch 19: Citizenship: Contrasting Dynamics at the Interface of Integration and Constitutionalism
Jo Shaw

+ Ch 20: The Principle of Equal Treatment: Widening and Deepening
Mark Bell

+ Ch 21: EU 'Social' Policy: From Employment Law to Labour Market Reform
Catherine Barnard

+ Ch 22: EMU - Integration and Differentiation: Metaphor for European Union
Francis Snyder

+ Ch 23: Competition Law Modernization: An Evolutionary Tale?
Imelda Maher

+ Ch 24: The Coming of Age of EU Regulation of Network Industries and Services of General Economic Interest
Leigh Hancher & Pierre Larouche

+ Ch 25: EU Financial Regulation: Federalization, Crisis Management and Law Reform
Takis Tridimas

+ Ch 26: The Multi-Level Governance of Climate Change
Joanne Scott

+ Ch 27: Consumer Policy
Stephen Weatherill

+ Ch 28: Culture and European Union Law: Always the Bridesmaid, Never the Bride?
Rachael Craufurd Smith

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