Author (Corporate) | United Kingdom: House of Lords: Constitution Committee |
Publisher | The Stationery Office (TSO) |
Series Title | 9th Report |
Series Details | (2016-17) HL123 |
Publication Date | 07/03/2017 |
Content Type | Policy-making, Report |
Further information Delegated powers and Brexit A short-cut to pick and choose EU law? Committee recommendations Firstly, the report states that Parliament should limit the scope of delegated powers in the ‘Great Repeal Bill’ so that they can be used only: + so far as necessary to adapt the body of EU law to fit the UK’s domestic legal framework; and Secondly, the Committee recommends that enhanced scrutiny processes should be created for secondary legislation laid under the ‘Great Repeal Bill’. These include, among others, a requirement that a Minister sign a declaration in respect of each statutory instrument affirming that it does no more than necessary to translate EU law into UK law. In addition, the Explanatory Memorandum accompanying each instrument should explain what the EU law in question currently does, the effect of any amendment and why such amendment is necessary. This will allow Parliament to have a proper say on this important legislation, rather than simply being limited to approving or rejecting it as is now the case. EU laws and the devolved administrations Background The programme was dominated by proposed legislation dealing with the United Kingdom's planned leaving of the European Union. Eight of the twenty seven bills to be introduced were connected with Brexit. + European Union (Withdrawal) Bill (introduced on the 13 July 2017) Even though the bill was introduced in July 2017 parliamentary scrutiny in practice only begin in the autumn of 2017 after the summer break on the 7 September 2017. Opposition parties, human rights groups and the leaders of Scotland and Wales criticised aspects of the bill and suggested they would call for substantive amendments.The Constitution Committee of the House of Lords published a report The 'Great Repeal Bill' and delegated powers in March 2017. The Constitution Committee proposed new measures to safeguard the rights of Parliament as the process of Brexit got underway. The Committee's report argued that Parliament should make sure the Government does not use delegated powers in the forthcoming ‘Great Repeal Bill’ as a way of changing the law in areas currently governed by the EU, without proper parliamentary scrutiny. |
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Countries / Regions | United Kingdom |