EU Agenda for Higher Education

Author Details
Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2011-
Content Type


Overview of the agenda put forward by the European Commission to modernise and renew the higher education sector across the European Union (EU).

Further information:

Higher education - and its links with research and innovation - is seen by the European Commission as essential for individual and societal advancement, and in providing highly skilled human capital and articulate citizens for economic growth and prosperity. In this context, higher education are considered to be crucial partners in delivering those aims.

The main responsibility for delivering reforms in higher education rests with Member States and education institutions themselves. However, the European Union has put forward or supported a number of strategies and initiatives throughout the years aimed at addressing cross-border challenges and coordinating policy responses. This includes the Bologna Process, the Education and Training 2020 Strategy (ET2020), the Erasmus Programme and the European Research Area (ERA), among others.

In 2011, the European Commission published a Communication setting out an agenda for the modernisation of the EU's higher education systems. This was followed up by another Communication aimed at renewing the EU agenda for higher education, published in 2017.

Related Links
Commentary and Analysis
EPRS: EU Fact Sheets, September 2017: Higher Education

European Commission: DG Education and Culture: Education and Training: About higher education policy
Eurostat: Statistics Explained: Education and Training Statistics Introduced

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