The impact of Community law on the domestic legal systems of the Member States. Competition law

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 1998
ISBN 92-828-0997-8
EC C1-06-97-787-EN-C
Content Type


The purpose of this booklet is to illustrate how principles of EC competition law may be used by legal practitioners in national proceedings when seeking solutions to the problems which face their clients.

Many businessmen and indeed their legal advisers tend to think of European as something that is only applied and enforced in Brussels by the European Commission and that it has no place in the national context. A recent survey carried out n behalf of the European Commission revealed that the level of knowledge of principles of European law among the legal profession in general in surprisingly low.

This publication attempts to demystify the concept of European law by explaining the basic principles in simple terms and by illustrating, through real case examples, how these principles are already being applied in each of the 15 Member States.

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International Organisations