The Market Solution. FLEXCIT. Flexible Exit and Continuous Development. The definitive EU Exit Plan for Britain

Author (Person) ,
Publication Date 2016
Content Type

This pamphlet summarises the online book, Flexcit, setting out how the UK can leave the European Union.

It is intended to show that an orderly exit is plausible and practical and can be largely risk-free. This is the
précises of the definitive EU exit plan for Britain.

Its vision is for a United Kingdom as a self-governing, self-confident, free trading nation state, releasing
the potential of its citizens through direct democratic control of both national and local government and
providing maximum freedom and responsibility for its people.

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Related Links
ESO: In Focus: Brexit - The United Kingdom and the European Union
Blog: EU
Leave EU: The Market Solution. An exit plan for the UK, January 2016

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