The Palgrave Handbook of European Banking

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Publication Date 2016
ISBN 978-1-137-52143-9 (Hbk)
Content Type

Electronic access via this ESO record to those with the appropriate contract via Springer LinkThis handbook presents a collection of original studies on relevant themes, policies and developments in European banking. The contributors analyse how the crisis years have had a long lasting impact on the structure of European banking and explore the regulatory architecture that has started to take form in their wake.

Academic experts and senior policy makers have contributed to this volume, which is organised in five main parts.

+ Part 1 presents an overview of European banking through the crisis and beyond.
+ Part 2 analyses performance and innovation in EU banking markets.
+ Part 3 discusses the key regulatory changes aimed at fostering financial stability.
+ Part 4 looks at the relevance of cross-border banking.
+ Part 5 presents a detailed analysis of the main EU banking markets.

This is a highly informative and carefully presented handbook, which provides thought-provoking insights into the past, present and future landscapes of European banking. It will appeal to a wide readership, from scholars and students, through to researchers, practitioners and policy-makers.

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Countries / Regions