The Palgrave Handbook of International Labour Migration. Law and policy perspectives

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Series Title
Publication Date 2015
ISBN 978-1-137-35220-0 (Hbk)
Content Type

Electronic access via this ESO record to those with the appropriate contract via Springer LinkThis Handbook focuses on the complexity surrounding the interaction between trade, labour mobility and development, taking into consideration social, economic and human rights implications, and identifies mechanisms for lawful movements across borders and their practical implementation.

The book takes a global perspective with much of interest to European researchers and stakeholders..

There are a number of specifically Europe-focused chapters:

+ Free Movement Law within the European Union: Workers, Citizens and Third-Country Nationals by Sara Iglesias Sánchez

+ The Temporary Movement of Natural Persons in the Context of Trade in Services: EU Trade Policy under Mode 4 (WTO/GATS) by Jan Schmitz

+ Euroafrican and Latin American Bilateral Migration Agreements: The Role of State-Diaspora Partnership by Marion Panizzon, Miryam Hazán, Sonia Plaza

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