The political economy of pension financialisation: public policy responses to the crisis

Author (Person) , ,
Series Title
Series Details Volume 26, Number 4, Pages 483-500
Publication Date April 2019
ISSN 1466-4429 (online)
Content Type


Financialisation has become a key feature of post-industrial economies. This special issue sheds light on pre-funded private pensions as one key component of financialisation, as they turn savings into investment via financial services providers. Public pension systems face financial pressures, resulting from ageing and rising public debt, while financial services are keen to move into the market of private pension provision. Pre-funded private pensions are shaped by regulatory policies that create and correct markets.

The financial crisis has triggered policy responses including shifts in investment strategies and also a re-assessment of the role of pre-funded private pensions as a complementary, rather than a superior, source of old-age income. Policymakers’ growing awareness of the benefits of collective occupational schemes administered by the social partners may pave the way for a greater role for collective schemes.

Further information:

This is the Introduction to a Special Issue of the Journal under the same title.

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