The Single European Market 20 years on. Achievements, unfulfilled expectations & further potential

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details October 2013
Publication Date 31/10/2013
ISSN 1612-0272
Content Type

Is the Single European Market a success story? 20 years after it was established the question can largely be answered in the affirmative. The high and in part too optimistic expectations have not all been fulfilled. Nevertheless, the Single Market has resulted in increased competition, higher exports and more foreign direct investment.

Overall, positive effects on GDP can be confirmed, albeit not on the scale anticipated by some. Given the structural problems in the eurozone and Europe's long-term dwindling importance for the global economy the continuing development of the Single Market is one absolutely essential element if Europe wants to maintain its economic strength.

Source Link,+unfulfilled+expectations+%26+further+potential.pdf;jsessionid=7CE16C8B30E35D185610D63195F4BDA1.srv-net-dbr-com
Subject Categories
Countries / Regions