The use of space for maritime security in Europe

Author (Person) ,
Series Title ,
Series Details Number 5
Publication Date June 2011
ISBN 978-2-86592-887-3
Content Type


The EU is currently developing a Maritime Security Strategy. Space should be integrated in that effort, given its potential for maritime surveillance.

The EU recently launched a reflection on a European Maritime Security Strategy. A most notable part of this effort was the report on Maritime surveillance in support of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) by the so-called Wise Pen Team in 2010-2011. The use of space in support of maritime security is a complex issue-area, at the crossing of maritime policy, security policy and space policy. The challenge is even bigger in Europe, as the EU is still in search of a coherent strategy in each of these three policy areas with numerous actors involved.

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International Organisations