Theresa May needs to declare her love for Europe

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details 03.02.17
Publication Date 03/02/2017
Content Type

Author asks 'How could Mrs May make such a generous speech about the United States (to the Republican Party conference on the 26 January 2017), honouring its history, its values and its global role, only six days after Mr Trump swore the presidential oath – when a whole 206 days after she became our second female prime minister, and 226 days after the Brexit vote, she still hasn’t made any equivalent gesture to the peoples of Europe?'

An attempt by the British Prime Minister to communicate a love for Europe that she communicated to Americans about their country would not just be her speaking for most Remain voters.

Set alongside continued British commitments to the military defence and security of Europe, and our hope for as free, fair and mutually enriching a trade deal as Brussels will concede, it would also prudent to generate a little more goodwill.

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ESO: Background information: The UK-US special relationship: between a Trump rock and a Brexit hard place
ESO: Background information: Theresa May’s Brexit Speech of 17 January 2017 – Decoding its clarity and ambiguity

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