Author (Person) | Fernandes, Sofia, Kerneïs, Klervi |
Publisher | Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), Jacques Delors Institute [Notre Europe] |
Series Title | FEPS Policy Studies |
Publication Date | December 2020 |
ISBN | 978-2-930769-47-9 |
Content Type | Report |
Summary: This report looks at the current state of adult learning in the European Union (EU) and calls for a European initiative to foster the creation of an individual right to adult learning in each member state through the establishment of individual learning accounts (ILAs) according to European guidelines. Well designed ILAs could increase the coverage and inclusiveness of the EU’s adult learning systems, contribute to improving their relevance and quality, and promote lifelong guidance. Forming just one piece of the puzzle within the wider adult learning ecosystem, ILAs would create synergies with existing programmes and funds for adult learning, and fully engage all relevant stakeholders (eg., businesses, regions, –trade unions and public employment services). This report also stresses the importance of protecting the rights of mobile workers and thus suggests that ILAs at member state level should pave the way towards a future European Individual Learning Account. With the European Commission set to unveil its Action Plan to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights at the beginning of next year –and with 2021 also bringing with it the Social Summit in Porto and an initiative by the European Commission on individual learning accounts the aim of this report is to feed the discussion on individual training entitlements so that decisive action can be taken at European level to ensure EU citizens are resilient and fit to take full advantage of the transitions and massive labour market changes coming our way. |
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Subject Categories | Employment and Social Affairs |
Subject Tags | Employment Policy, Vocational Education | Training |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |