Transformation of labour and future of labour law in Europe. Final report

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date 1999
ISBN 92-828-6808-7
EC CE-19-98-302-EN-C
Content Type


A group of experts was assigned a very ambitious task, namely "to conduct a prospective and constructive survey on the future of work and labour law within a Community-wide, intercultural and inter-disciplinary framework, culminating in a conference and subsequent report on the subject". The nature of the objective is therefore legal - to attempt to define the future evolution of the basic categories of labour law in European countries - but it can only be achieved by running a cross-disciplinary analysis of the changes taking place in the actual practice of labour relations. Any such analysis, moreover, should be comparative and take account of national diversity. Finally, the purpose of this analysis is not to deal with the present status of labour law, but rather to
consider the question in the context of its historic dynamic, which calls for a diachronic, as opposed to a synchronic, approach to the issues to hand.

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Subject Categories
International Organisations