Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance: Impact on the eurozone and the rule of law

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2010-12)HC 1817
Publication Date 2012
ISBN 978-0-21-504366-5
Content Type

In this report, the European Scrutiny Committee states that a Stability, Coordination and Governance Treaty (SCG) is not viable to enforce and there are serious concerns over the rule of law, with no concessions for the United Kingdom. The Committee also views the SCG Treaty as doing little towards solving the eurozone crisis, except providing some comfort to international markets.

Source Link
Related Links
United Kingdom: House of Commons: European Scrutiny Committee: 62nd Report (2010-12)HC 1817-II: Additional written evidence
United Kingdom: UK Parliament: Parliamentary business: News, 3.4.12: MPs publish report on impact of Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance
United Kingdom: House of Commons: European Scrutiny Committee: 62nd Report (2010-12)HC 1817

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