Unrest in Kosovo, transfer predicted

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details 29.3.07
Publication Date 29/03/2007
Content Type

Kosovo could be hit by violent unrest as it moves towards independence, an internal European Union report concluded, March 2007. The study by Javier Solana, High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, and Olli Rehn, Enlargement Commissioner, is intended to pave the way for Brussels to take responsibility for policing and judicial arrangements when the province becomes formally independent.

Related Links
Council of the European Union: Policies: CFSP: The EU and the Western Balkans http://www.consilium.europa.eu/cms3_fo/showPage.asp?id=394&lang=EN&mode=g
European Commission: MEMO/07/121: Summary note on the joint report by Javier Solana, EU High Representative for the CFSP, and Olli Rehn, EU Commissioner for Enlargement, on the State of Preparations of the future EU and international presence in Kosovo http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=MEMO/07/121&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en

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