Updating the 2020 New Industrial Strategy: Building a stronger Single Market for Europe’s recovery

Author (Corporate)
Series Details COM (2021) 350/2
Publication Date 05/05/2021
Content Type , ,


Communication published by the European Commission on 5 May 2021, introducing amendments to the European Union's Industrial Strategy as set out in March 2020.

Further information:

The European Commission unveiled its New Industrial Strategy on 10 March 2020, the day before the WHO declared the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. The update arises from the need to ensure that industrial ambition takes account of the circumstances stemming from the pandemic, in order to fully support the twin digital and green transitions and the overall economic recovery.

The updated strategy reaffirms the priorities as set out in the 2020 Communication, while responding to the lessons learned from the crisis to boost the recovery and enhance the EU's concept of open strategic autonomy. It lists a number of actions aimed at strengthening the resilience of the Single Market, particularly in times of crisis. It addresses need to better understand dependencies in key strategic areas and presents toolbox to address them. It offers measures to accelerate twin transitions. It also responds to calls to identify and monitor main indicators of EU's economic competitiveness.

This document was published on 5 May 2021 alongside a draft law focusing on foreign subsidies potentially disrupting the Single Market. Staff Working Documents accompanying this Communication focus on the steel industry and on the EU's strategic dependencies and capacities.

Source Link https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=COM:2021:350:FIN
Related Links
Commentary and Analysis
Confederation of Swedish Enterprises: Position Paper, 14/01/2021: An updated European industrial policy strategy for growth https://www.svensktnaringsliv.se/english/positionpapers/an-updated-european-industrial-policy-strategy-for-growth_1164468.html
ETUC: Document, 23/02/2021: Ahead of EU Industry Days, ETUC calls for an ambitious Industrial Strategy for Europe with workers at its core https://www.etuc.org/en/document/ahead-eu-industry-days-etuc-calls-ambitious-industrial-strategy-europe-workers-its-core
European Clusters Alliance: Recommendations for the update of the EU Industrial Strategy (27 February 2021) https://clustersalliance.eu/news/news-from-eca/recommendations-for-the-update-of-the-eu-industrial-strategy/
3GS: Letters, 05/03/2021: E3G signs industrial strategy letter to EU Internal Markets Commissioner Breton https://www.e3g.org/news/e3g-signs-industrial-strategy-letter-to-eu-commissioner-breton/
EurActiv: Opinion, 24/03/2021: Recover today, lead for 2030: A future-fit industrial strategy for Europe https://www.euractiv.com/section/circular-materials/opinion/recover-today-lead-for-2030-a-future-fit-industrial-strategy-for-europe/
European Policy Centre: Policy Brief, 29/03/2021: Updating the European industrial strategy for the post-pandemic world https://www.epc.eu/en/publications/Updating-the-European-industrial-strategy-for-the-post-pandemic-world~3d1c88

Politico, 25/02/2021: EU’s industrial policy stalls before takeoff https://www.politico.eu/article/eus-industrial-policy-stalls-before-take-off/
EurActiv, 05/05/2021: Breton: Europe was too naive before, now we are in the driving seat https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/interview/breton-europe-was-too-naive-before-now-we-are-in-the-driving-seat/

EUR-LEX: SWD(2021)352: Staff Working Document accompanying the Communication - Strategic dependencies and capacities https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=SWD:2021:352:FIN
EUR-LEX: SWD(2021)353: Staff Working Document accompanying the Communication - Towards competitive and clean European steel https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=SWD:2021:353:FIN
European Commission: European industrial strategy https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/europe-fit-digital-age/european-industrial-strategy_en
European Commission: Press Release, 05/05/2021: Updating the 2020 Industrial Strategy: towards a stronger Single Market for Europe's recovery https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_1884
European Commission: Questions and Answers on the update of the 2020 Industrial Strategy (5 May 2021) https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/qanda_21_1885
European Commission: Remarks by Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis at the press conference on the Launch of Updated EU Industrial Strategy (5 May 2021) https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/speech_21_2282

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