Urban agriculture in Europe Patterns, challenges and policies

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details December 2017
Publication Date December 2017
ISBN 978-92-846-2506-2
Content Type

Please note: Each In-Depth Analysis is assigned a DOI (digital object identifier), which is a safe and long term way of ensuring a hyperlink to the full text of this report. However, when ESO creates this record, on occasion the DOI still has not been activated by the EU Bookshop. If you find the source url hyperlink does not work please use the alternative location hyperlink listed as a related url.It is estimated that by 2050, 67% of the world's population will live in urban areas. Increasing concerns over food security coupled with concerns over climate change have helped to promote interest in urban agriculture and the role it can play in respect of food security.

The present paper aimed to provide an overview of urban agriculture by examining it as it relates to issues of food security, the economy, social dimensions and the environment. Using short case studies and drawing on research from both Europe and the USA, the paper further explored the potential impact that urban agriculture can have and sets out its policy context.

Looking to the future, one of the many challenges facing urban agriculture will be how it will achieve the necessary integration across all relevant EU policy areas.

Source Link http://dx.publications.europa.eu/10.2861/413185
Related Links
European Parliament: European Parliamentary Research Service: In-Depth Analysis, December 2017: Urban agriculture in Europe Patterns, challenges and policies http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/IDAN/2017/614641/EPRS_IDA(2017)614641_EN.pdf

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