Author (Corporate) | European Commission: DG XVI - Regional Policy and Cohesion |
Publisher | Office for Official Publications of the European Communities |
Publication Date | 1998 |
ISBN | 92-828-1002-X |
EC | CX-06-97-925-EN-C |
Content Type | Report |
Summary: This report has been prepared for DGXVI - Directorate General for Regional Policy and Cohesion of the European Commission. It is based upon the monitoring and evaluation of Urban Pilot Projects during the period 1990-1996. Further information: A total of 33 Urban Pilot Projects were approved in the First Phase between 1989 -1993 for financial support from the European Union (EU). The financing mechanism used was Article 10 of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) which enables the funding of innovative pilot schemes. The total ERDF contribution was ECU 101 million. The selection of projects was made following negotiations with the cities and member states. By end 1996, 22 Urban Pilot Projects had completed their funding periods and 11 were still in progress or at final reporting stage. By the end of 1997 most are expected to be completed. The objectives of the Urban Pilot Projects were to contribute to economic and social cohesion in urban areas through support to innovatory urban regeneration and planning activities. A wide range of problems was addressed by the Urban Pilot Projects. An equally broad spectrum of activities was undertaken. In most cases the projects involved combinations of activities, including both physical infrastructure and 'soft' measures. 'Service centres' providing various information, advice and support to the local population and economic actors were a common feature of the projects. The Urban Pilot Projects have by and large met their stated objectives. They have also demonstrated the advantages of integrated and targeted approaches to urban problems. The EU funding of the projects has in many cases acted as a catalyst for co-operation between local agencies and has attracted other public and private funding into the areas. In consequence overall confidence has improved and the projects have been linked to more extensive and longer term regeneration activities. The achievement of the Urban Pilot Projects was a significant factor in the creation of the URBAN Community Initiative. About 85 cities within the EU are now developing programmes within the framework of this initiative. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Geography |
Subject Tags | Regional Dimension, Social Cohesion, Urban Planning |
Keywords | Urban Environment |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |