Valuing diversity: Guidance for labour market integration of migrants

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details No.24, September 2014
Publication Date 24/09/2014
ISBN 978-92-896-1637-9
ISSN 1831-2403
EC TI-BA-14-003-EN-N
Content Type

Europe faces an increase in the age of its natural population and a reduction in available labour force. The retirement of a highly qualified workforce, alongside a rise in demand for medium- and high-skilled workers, will likely result in labour shortages in several sectors and countries. The movement of qualified, third-country immigrants into the European Union is needed for economic recovery. Guidance services are to the fore in the reception of third-country immigrants; they provide fundamental career information and career management skills (CMS), empowering individuals to acquire autonomy in managing their career in a new country. This Cedefop study analyses guidance strategies to support labour market integration of immigrants. Its findings suggest the need for greater engagement by employers, trade unions and immigrant communities, as well assurance of appropriate practitioner training and improved marketing and communication strategies.

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