Views on Treaty from Across the EU [Resumed]
Realities of what the Treaty means for Ireland: Understanding the facts

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details 4.4.12
Publication Date April 2012
Content Type

Continuation of a series of eight meetings hosted by the newly established Sub-Committee on the Referendum on the Intergovernmental Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union. The morning session heard the views of Sharon Bowles, MEP for South-East England and Chair of the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee; and Lord Lyndon Harrison, Chair of the House of Lords Sub-Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs and International Trade.

The afternoon session on 'The realities of what the Treaty means for Ireland', was addressed by Philip Lane, professor of international macroeconomics at Trinity College, Dublin, Dan O’Brien, the economics editor of The Irish Times, and Jim Power, chief economist with Friends First.

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Related Links
Ireland: Houses of the Oireachtas: Press Release, 3.4.12: EU Referendum Sub-Committee to engage with leading academics

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