Website: Countries – Description of national education systems

Author (Corporate) ,
Publication Date 2015
Content Type ,

From this hyperlink you can consult the pages of the 41 national units based in 37 countries participating in the Erasmus+ programme (28 Member States, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey). You can browse by country or by theme. This section was previously known as Eurypedia.

National units are responsible for the drafting of their education system descriptions and the content of all 14 chapters.

The chapter headings comprise:

1. Political, Social and Economic Background and Trends
2. Organisation and Governance
3. Funding in Education
4. Early Childhood Education and Care
5. Primary Education
6. Secondary and post-Secondary non-Tertiary Education
7. Higher Education
8. Adult Education and Training
9. Teachers and Education Staff
10. Management and Other Education Staff
11. Quality Assurance
12. Educational Support and Guidance
13. Mobility and Internationalisation
14. Ongoing Reforms and Policy Developments

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Countries / Regions