Welfare. Why we need a social Europe

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details May-June 2014
Publication Date May 2014
Content Type

A series of articles:

+ Giovanni Gabriele Vecchio: We don’t need more European welfare, but we do need a better South European welfare

+ Joan Costa-Font: Europe and the welfare state: love at second sight?

+ Stephan Leibfried: Return to the age of protectionism for a breakthrough to a social Europe

+ Willem Adema: Are Welfare States in Europe really more expensive?

+ Maurizio Ferrera: Equality of opportunity across the generations. Three steps for a reformist agenda

+ Anthony B. Atkinson: Reforming the welfare state: Dreaming again?

+ Giovanni Perazzoli
A call for harmonisation of the unemployment benefits

+ Stephan Lessenich: An equality principle to reconstruct the European welfare state

+ Enrico Giovannini: Shall or will: Why we need a social Europe

+ Steffen Mau: European integration – with or without social policy?

+ Chiara Saraceno: All "Europe’s fault"?

+ Colin Crouch: The deceptive myth of the European social model

Source Link http://eutopiamagazine.eu/en/welfare
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