Why the EU’s patchy ‘just transition’ framework is not up to meeting its climate ambitions

Author (Person) , ,
Series Title
Series Details 2022.06, Number 6
Publication Date May 2022
ISSN 2031-8782
Content Type


In this Policy Brief, the authors set out the main issues in the social and labour sphere that arise from the transition to climate neutrality. They argue that the patchy effort at EU level to ensure that the transition is 'just' or 'fair' to date are not up to the huge task of addressing the social challenges ahead on the way of achieving a net-zero carbon economy. The authors also outline the elements that are missing for a genuine and comprehensive just transition framework.

Source Link https://www.etui.org/publications/why-eus-patchy-just-transition-framework-not-meeting-its-climate-ambitions
Alternative sources
  • https://www.etui.org/sites/default/files/2022-04/Why%20the%20EU%E2%80%99s%20patchy%20%E2%80%98just%20transition%E2%80%99%20framework%20is%20not%20up%20to%20meeting%20its%20climate%20ambitions-2022.pdf
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