Women in politics in the EU: State of play in 2024

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Series Details PE 760.348
Publication Date March 2024
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One hundred years after women won the right to vote in elections or were first elected to parliament in some EU Member States, they continue to be under-represented in politics and public life. This is true whether looking at the composition of the European Parliament or that of national parliaments, governments and local assemblies. On the other hand, gender balance in politics benefits not only women and female politicians but also political parties themselves and the rest of society. Women form half the population and deserve to be better represented in power structures. There is now solid evidence about what hinders or enables women's participation and representation, with political parties and the media serving a dual role in this respect. The EU has committed to achieving gender balance in political representation and participation as a matter of justice, equality and democracy. Practical recommendations have been made for achieving this goal, including specific actions to be taken by the EU institutions, national governments, political parties, civil society and the media. A number of pivotal elections are taking place across the world this year, leading to a renewed focus on gender equality and women's participation in politics. Gender equality is one of the issues expected to take centre stage in political debates. Mainstream parties are pushing for further progress in this area, while some populist and radical political forces are campaigning for a renewed emphasis on family and traditional social roles for women and men. Women's rights (for instance, reproductive rights), could even prove decisive in determining the outcome of certain elections. This is an update of a briefing from March 2023 by Rosamund Shreeves and Ionel Zamfir.

Source Link https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document/EPRS_BRI(2024)760348
Alternative sources
  • https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2024/760348/EPRS_BRI(2024)760348_EN.pdf
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