Working population ‘could drop by 21 million’

Author (Person)
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Series Details Vol.11, No.10, 17.3.05
Publication Date 17/03/2005
Content Type

By Tim King

Date: 17/03/05

The number of people in Europe of working age will drop by 21 million over the next 25 years. That is the stark message contained in a discussion paper launched today (17 March) by the European Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs, Vladimír Spidla.

The paper, Confronting demographic change: a new solidarity between the generations, warns of "unprecedented demographic change" in Europe.

The Union "no longer has a demographic motor", it says, underlining the message of the Kok report on the Lisbon Agenda, published earlier this year, which warned that the effect of demographic change could cut Europe's potential growth rate from 2-2.5% to 1.25% in 2040.

Of the largest EU states, only the UK and France will see an increase in population between now and 2050. The population of Germany, Spain and Italy is set to fall.

Immigration might mitigate the effects of the shrinking population, the report says, but is "not enough on its own to solve all the problems associated with ageing and it is no substitute for economic reform".

"A low birth rate is a challenge for the public authorities. Never in history has there been economic growth without births," the paper cautions.

It asserts that: "Europeans would like to have more children but are hindered by all kinds of problems that limit their freedom of choice, including difficulties in finding housing."

"We must ask two simple questions: what value do we attach to children? Do we want to give families, whatever their structure, the place they deserved in European society?" the Commission asks.

The paper raises a series of questions about whether a better work/life balance might help with the problems of an ageing population.

But the Commission is cautious about the role of the EU in addressing demographic problems.

Acknowledging that the member states wanted no EU involvement in the debate over economic immigration for the moment, Commissioner Spidla said that he was looking forward to the results of the debate which will be launched by the green paper.

"In my opinion, we will develop an EU level [of action] but we should wait, the discussions have only started," he said.

According to a discussion paper launched on 17 March 2005 by the European Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs, Vladimír Spidla, the number of people in Europe of working age will drop by 21 million over the next 25 years. The paper, 'Confronting demographic change: a new solidarity between the generations', warned of 'unprecedented demographic change' in Europe.

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Related Links
European Commission: Press Release: MEMO/05/96, Europe's changing population structure and its impact on relations between the generations
European Commission: Press Release: IP/05/322

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