Youth in Greece

Author (Person)
Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date March 2018
ISBN 978-92-897-1635-2
EC TJ-01-18-182-EN-N
Content Type


The purpose of this short report is to provide a synthesis of Eurofound data and analysis regarding the situation of young people in Greece for the Greek government.

The recent economic crisis has exacerbated the problem of youth integration in the labour market in the EU and Greece has been disproportionately affected. While youth unemployment in the country has long been part of the policy debate, conditions today are very different to those prior to the crisis. The economic crisis, socioeconomic developments, globalisation, and the pervasive effect of information technology and digitalisation have all changed labour market characteristics. Young people’s transitions to adulthood and the labour market follow different trajectories and have become more complex.

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