#RomaUE2017. The 60th Anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, 25 March 2017

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 25/03/2017
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On 25 March 2017, the European Union reached the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome, one of the key steps of the European integration process.

The Italian government organised a range of events and initiatives to mark the occasion. Italy saw the occasion both as a celebration as well as an opportunity for the relaunch of the European political process.

In connection with the discussions on the relaunch of the European Union there were a number of prior and subsequent contributions from EU Institutions, Member States and other stakeholders:

+ European Parliament: Three Resolutions adopted on the future functioning of the EU Institutions, February 2017
+ European Commission: White Paper on the future of Europe, March 2017
+ Franco-Germany statement / Informal summit of France, Germany. Italy and Spain, March 2017
+ European Council, 9-10 March 2017: EU27 Political reflection on the future of the European Union
+ Visegrad Group: Statement: Strong Europe – Union of Action and Trust, March 2017.
+ Alliance of Southern European countries Madrid Declaration, 10 April 2017

EU heads of state or government (except for UK) met for the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties. The meeting was an occasion to reflect on the state of the European Union and the future of the integration process. The leaders adopted the Rome Declaration of the Leaders of 27 Member States and of the European Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission, recognising the achievements so far, acknowledging the challenges, reaffirming the value and necessity of continued European integration, and setting out a joint vision for the years to come.

Contributions to the debate from many leading European think tanks can be accessed here.

Source Link http://www.politicheeuropee.it/
Related Links
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Website: March for Europe http://www.marchforeurope2017.eu/
In Facts, 16.02.17: The absent are always in the wrong https://infacts.org/absent-always-wrong/
EurActiv, 22.02.17: The EU at 60: Rome Summit is a chance to renew our vows http://www.euractiv.com/section/future-eu/opinion/the-eu-at-60-rome-summit-is-a-chance-to-renew-our-vows/
IAI (and partners): Research Project: Re-Founding Europe, 2017 http://www.iai.it/en/news/iai-project-re-founding-europe
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EUObserver, 27.02.17: Maltese PM hails pope, calls for multispeed EU https://euobserver.com/political/137045
European Commission: DG Communication: 60 years of the Rome Treaties https://europa.eu/european-union/eu60_en
EUObserver, 09.03.17: Draft Rome text goes soft on 'multi-speed' EU https://euobserver.com/institutional/137163
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European Council: Speech, 17.03.17: Speech by President Donald Tusk to Speakers of EU Parliaments in Rome http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2017/03/17-tusk-speech-conference-eu-parliaments-rome/
European Council: 60th anniversary of the Rome treaties, 25 March 2017 http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/meetings/european-council/2017/03/25-informal-meeting/
EUObserver, 17.03.17: [Opinion] Contribution to a vision of Europe in the world https://euobserver.com/opinion/137264
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The Economist, 24.03.17: The Economist explains. The significance of the Treaty of Rome http://www.economist.com/blogs/economist-explains/2017/03/economist-explains-20
Notre Europe: Tribune, 24.03.17: The wake-up http://www.institutdelors.eu/media/lerveil-tribune-ijd-mars17.pdf
European Commission: DG Communication: RAPID: Press Release, IP/17/701 (24.03.17): The Treaties of Rome at 60: Commission recalls Europe's achievements and leads discussion on the future of 27 http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-17-701_en.htm
European Parliament: Press Release, 24.03.17: The EU turns 60: anniversary of the Treaty of Rome http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/news-room/20170320STO67752/
Social Europe, 27.03.17: European Integration At The Crossroads: 60 Years After Rome https://www.socialeurope.eu/2017/03/european-integration-crossroads-60-years-rome/

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