Adoption of conclusions on Nicaragua

Publication Date 21/01/2019
Content Type


Set of conclusions adopted by the Council of the European Union in January 2019 regarding the situation in Nicaragua.

Further information:

The Council condemns the repression of the press and civil society in the country and calls for genuine dialogue and negotiation towards national reconciliation. The European Union urges the country's authorities to adopt an electoral reform to ensure credible elections as the only way to address the existing crisis and respond to the aspirations of the people of Nicaragua. The Council highlights that it stood ready to use all its policy instruments to contribute to a peaceful negotiated way out of the crisis and react to further deterioration of human rights and rule of law.

Since April 2018, demonstrations in Nicaragua were repressed by security forces and pro-government armed group. The situation led to hundreds of dead and injured, as well as to the irregular detention of hundreds of citizens.

Source Link Link to Main Source
Related Links
Reuters, 14.12.18: Nicaragua seizes assets of NGOs critical of President Ortega
Deutsche Welle, 16.12.18: Nicaragua journalists attacked by police
The Guardian, 11.01.19: Nicaragua closer to new civil war than ever before, judge warns
BBC News, 21.01.19: Carlos Fernando Chamorro: Nicaraguan journalist flees citing threats

Commentary and Analysis
HRW: News, 14.12.18: Nicaragua: Government Crackdown on Media, Activists

ESO Records
Resolution of the European Parliament on the situation in Nicaragua, May 2018

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions
International Organisations
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