Brexit: Judicial oversight of the European Arrest Warrant

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2017-19)HL16
Publication Date July 2017
Content Type ,

The United Kingdom: House of Lords: Select Committee on the European Union: EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee published a report Brexit: judicial oversight of the European Arrest Warrant in July 2017.

The Committee suggested that any operational gap between the European Arrest Warrant ceasing to apply after Brexit and a suitable replacement coming into force would pose an unacceptable risk to the people of the UK.

The European Arrest Warrant (EAW), adopted by the European Union to facilitate the extradition of individuals between Member States, has been described by the Home Secretary, Rt Hon. Amber Rudd MP, as an 'effective tool that is essential to the delivery of effective judgment on … murderers, rapists and paedophiles'.

The UK Government has stated that it is a priority 'to ensure that we remain part of the arrangement'. However, this aim was in tension with the Government's plans to remove the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in the UK.

In its report, the Committee examined whether alternatives to the European Arrest Warrant were possible, and explored the options available for resolving disagreements between the UK and the EU in the absence of the Court of Justice.

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Related Links
UK: Parliament: House of Lords: Committees: EU Select Committee: News, 27.07.17: Security risk to UK identified if European Arrest Warrant is not replaced
ESO: Background information: Arrested Development: Why Brexit Britain Cannot Keep the European Arrest Warrant
ESO: Background information: European Arrest Warrant
The UK in a Changing Europe, 07.07.17: Brexit and the future of UK-EU police and security cooperation (et al)
ESO: Background information: Brexit: future UK-EU security and police cooperation (House of Lords: EU Select Committee: Report, 2016)

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